
Importance of Hand Washing

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Importance of Hand Washing

Do you know that on average we touch our face 3.6 times an hour? Now that I have your attention read along on the importance of hand washing.

As we enter into the winter months there will be an up-tick of common colds along with the ushering in of flu season (Dec- March). One very important self protection measure we can all take part in is proper hygiene of our hands. Our hands are extremely active. If we touch our face that much, just imagine how many different items we come into contact with on a daily basis, public door knobs, tabletops, shake hands, gas pumps, faucets, elevator buttons, handrails, light switches, telephones, raw foods, etc. Have you thought about what was on all those items before you placed your hands on them, and then onto touching your face again and again?

The importance of hand washing is so important in minimizing the spread of germs and disease that there is a National Hand Washing Week. In our next article I will focus on the flu as we have entered into Flu season, where hand washing plays an important part in battling the spread of the virus. Hand washing is a key component to staying healthy.

However, hand washing isn’t always performed correctly. The correct method in washing your hands consist of placing your hands under running water and add soap until there is a nice lather covering all parts of your hands, from wrist to fingertips, in between fingers and under fingernails. You should scrub your hands for around 2o seconds with a 10 second rinse. While soap and water is the best option for cleaning your hands they may not always be available. Hand sanitizer that has at least a 60% alcohol solution is a good alternative to use.

I understand that hand washing seems to be monotonous and bothersome but it really does make a huge dent in the spread of bacteria and virus’. We all can help prevent the spread of germs by simply washing our hands more often. If you pass and sink feel free to wash your hands.

Disclaimer: This article is intended as a friendly reminder with recommendations. It is not medical advice, direction or prescription of any sort. Please refer to professional services for any health-related questions, concerns and relief.


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